Stretched Canvas

We utilize gallery wrapped canvas because it provides an elegant, and clean and professional look.  Before applying the second coat of gesso, the canvas fabric is stretched over the frame and completely covers the stretcher bars.  There’s no need for an expensive frame because a gallery wrapped canvas is ready to hang straight on a wall.  

Our stretched canvas artwork is created using professional acrylic paints (pigments).  Some additives may be used, such as a cell activator, to achieve certain effects.  To complete the look we extend the painting over the sides of the canvas.  Because we extend the painting to the sides, the artwork can be seen on the surface as well as from an angle when walking in a room.  Depending on the type of design that is painted on the front of the canvas we may apply a solid color or metallic leaf to the edges instead.  Finally, we finish the back of the canvas with a sealed backing paper which includes the date the painting was created, the name given to the artwork, and the artist’s signature.  This information is also applied to the back of the painted canvas in case the backing is damaged over time. We also include the hanging hardware.

Gallery wrapped canvas comes in a variety of sizes and depths.  Each custom piece can be created in your choice of canvas size.  Some artwork is coated with high-gloss resin. 

Custom Paintings